Our Rules
At 420 Survival, we value a respectful and enjoyable environment for everyone. That's why we have set up some rules. Make sure you read and follow them so we can have a great experience together in our Minecraft community!
1. Respect All Players
- Rule Treat everyone with respect and courtesy. No insults, racism, discrimination, or bullying.
- Punishment:
- 1st Offense: Warning.
- 2nd offense: 1-3 day ban.
- 3rd offense: permanent ban.
2. No Griefing
- Rule Do not destroy or modify the work of other players without permission.
- Punishment:
- 1st offense: Damage repair + 3 days ban.
- 2nd offense: 7 days ban.
- 3rd offense: permanent ban.
3. No Theft
- Rule Neem niets van andere spelers zonder hun toestemming.
- Punishment:
- 1st offense: return of stolen property + 3 day ban.
- 2nd offense: 7 days ban.
- 3rd offense: permanent ban.
4. No Hacks or Cheats
- Rule Do not use mods, hacks, or exploit tools that give you an unfair advantage.
- Punishment:
- 1st offense: Immediate permanent ban.
5. No Spam or Ads
- Rule Keep the chat clean and relevant. No spamming or unwanted ads.
- Punishment:
- 1st Offense: Warning.
- 2nd offense: 1 day ban.
- 3rd offense: 3 days ban.
6. Protect Your Property
- Rule Use claims or other protection methods to protect your assets.
- Punishment:
- No penalty, but the server is not responsible for any loss if no protection is set up.
7. Cooperate and Help
- Rule Encourage cooperation and help other players where possible.
- Punishment:
- No specific punishment, but repeatedly refusing to help others may result in a conversation with the admins.
8. Respect the Environment
- Rule Do not leave floating trees behind and do not destroy nature unnecessarily.
- Punishment:
- 1st Offense: Warning.
- 2nd offense: 1 day ban.
- 3rd offense: 3 days ban.
9. PvP With Consent
- Rule PvP is only allowed if both parties agree.
- Punishment:
- 1st Offense: Warning.
- 2nd offense: 3 days ban.
- 3e overtreding: 7 dagen ban.
10. Geen Aanstootgevende Gebruikersnamen, Suffix & Bouwwerken
- Rule Gebruik gepaste gebruikersnamen, suffix en vermijd aanstootgevende structuren.
- Punishment:
- 1st violation: Request to change name/demolition of structure + warning.
- 2nd offense: 3 days ban.
- 3rd offense: permanent ban.
11. Alt Accounts
Regel: Spelen met maximaal één alt account is toegestaan. Meer dan dat is niet toegestaan.
1e overtreding: Verwijdering van extra alt accounts + waarschuwing.
2e overtreding: 7 dagen ban van alle betrokken accounts.
3e overtreding: Permanente ban van alle betrokken accounts.
12. Keep it Fun
- Rule The most important thing is that everyone has fun. Behave maturely and keep a friendly atmosphere.
Punishment: Repeated disruptions to the atmosphere may result in a warning, followed by a ban of 1-3 days.
13. Don't sell player heads
- Rule Players with the rank Cali and MoonRock may not Sell or give away head! (/skull)
Punishment: If this does happen you will get a warning or no more permission to /skull - 1st offense: warning
- 2nd offense: warning
- 3rd offense: permissions of /skull taken!
14. No use of autoclickers
- Rule The use of autoclickers is not allowed
- Punishment: If a player is caught using an autoclicker, the following steps follow:
- 1st offense Warning
- 2nd offense Kick from the server
- 3rd offense one day ban
15. No Use of "vanilla" hoppers
- Rule Het gebruik van vanilla hoppers is niet toegestaan met farms UITZONDERING het is wel toegestaan voor autocrafters en andere kleine bouw projecten
- Punishment: If a player is caught using vanilla hoppers, the following steps follow
- 1st offense Warning + removal of hoppers
- 2nd offense 1 day ban + removal of hoppers
- 3rd offense 1 day ban + removal of hoppers
16. Geen Bug Abuse
- Regel: Het misbruiken van bugs of glitches om een voordeel te behalen is niet toegestaan.
Straf:- 1e overtreding: Waarschuwing + herstel van misbruikte voordelen.
- 2nd offense: 7 days ban.
- 3rd offense: permanent ban.
17. Geen Voice Changers
Rule Het gebruik van voice changers om je stem te vervormen is niet toegestaan. Dit geldt voor alle voicechats binnen de community.
- 1st offense Waarschuwing.
- 2nd offense 3 dagen mute in voicechats.
- 3rd offense Permanente verbanning uit 420.